빈곤, 기아, 불평등 임금불평등 oecd 국가별 비교 9분위대1분위 비율 - 2016년도 기준 visualy 2020. 7. 7. 22:47 https://books.google.co.kr/books?id=1PZgDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA48&lpg=PA48&dq=2015+wage+ratio+d9/d1+korea&source=bl&ots=bMNZq01Se2&sig=ACfU3U2ZmSrMuZt-FHUm0y8jZYl2VEbMkA&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=2015%20wage%20ratio%20d9%2Fd1%20korea&f=false OECD Economic Surveys: Korea 2018 Economic growth picked up in 2017, but reforms are needed to sustain Korea's convergence toward the income levels in the most advanced countries. Its labour productivity is only half of that in the top half of OECD countries, reflecting problems in the ser books.google.co.kr