
허브폭 - 로드 / mtb

visualy 2013. 5. 2. 10:00

자전거 타다보면 휠을 교체해야 하는 경우가 있는데 이때 허브폭을 확인해야 합니다.  

앞바퀴의 허브는 mtb나 사이클이나 모두 폭이 동일하나 뒷바퀴는 로드냐 산악이냐에 따라 규격 차이가 있습니다.

앞바퀴는 로드나 산악이나 100mm, 뒷바퀴는 로드는 130mm, 산악은 135mm 입니다 


Most front hubs are the same width, 100mm, whether they're for mountain bikes or road bikes. Things are different at the rear, however.Modern road bikes take 130mm rear hubs, but mountain bikes generally need 135mm spacing. It's important to specify the right hub width when having wheels built (or building them yourself, but if you can do that you probably know about dropout widths!). It's not a problem with prebuilt wheels -- just get the size you need.

Many older road frames have dropouts spaced for 120mm or 126mm hubs. If you're replacing the wheels on an older road bike, make sure they're the right width. You can usually make a 130mm wheel fit a 126mm frame, and vice versa, but it's much harder with 120mm frames. Your local bike shop may be able to spread the rear stays a bit to accommodate wider wheels. 

- Tony Cogswell
