빈곤, 기아, 불평등

주로 어떤 사람들이 먹을 것이 부족한가 (세계)

visualy 2016. 5. 2. 12:51


Most of the world’s hungry live in developing countries. According to the latest Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) statistics from 2015, there are 795 million hungry people in the world and 98 percent of them are in developing countries. They are distributed like this:


Rural riskRural risk    - 3/4는 도시 이외의 사람들이다. 그리고 주로 아시아와 아프리카. 먹을 것을 주로 직접 농사짓고 다른 소득이 별로 없고 다른 취직할 데도 별로 없는 사람들. 그 결과로 위기에 취약하다. 먹을 것을 찾아 도시로 떠나기도 함.

Three-quarters of all hungry people live in rural areas, mainly in the villages of Asia and Africa. Overwhelmingly dependent on agriculture for their food, these populations have no alternative source of income or employment. As a result, they are vulnerable to crises. Many migrate to cities in their search for employment, swelling the ever-expanding populations of shanty towns in developing countries.

FarmersHungry farmers   - 배고픈 사람들의 50%는 소규모 자영농이다.  다른 20%는 땅이 없는 농민이다. 그리고 10%는 유목민 또는 어부이다. 나머지 20%는 도시 변두리의 판자촌 빈민이다.

? 왜 땅이 있음에도 불구하고 50%의 사람들은 배고픈가?!

- 아래 설명에선 땅이 변두리라 홍수나 가뭄에 취약한 지역이라고 하는데..

- 좋은 땅을 가지고 있는 사람들인 굶지 않는다.

FAO calculates that around half of the world's hungry people are from smallholder farming communities,  surviving off marginal lands prone to natural disasters like drought or flood. Another 20 percent belong to landless families dependent on farming and about 10 percent live in communities whose livelihoods depend on herding, fishing or forest resources.

The remaining 20 percent live in shanty towns on the periphery of the biggest cities in developing countries. The numbers of poor and hungry city dwellers are rising rapidly along with the world's total urban population.

ChildrenChildren   - 약 1억5천의 어린이들은이 먹을 것이 부족해 저체중이다.  

 1,700만명의 아가들이 임신중 엄마의 양양부족으로 인해 저체중으로 태어난다.  이 얼마나  비참한 일인가.

An estimated 146 million children in developing countries are underweight - the result of acute or chronic hunger (Source: The State of the World's Children, UNICEF, 2009).  All too often, child hunger is inherited: up to 17 million children are born underweight annually, the result of inadequate nutrition before and during pregnancy. 

WomenWomen  - 철분이 부족한 산모들은 출산하다 죽는다. 31만 5천명의 산모들이 매년..

Women are the world's primary food producers, yet cultural traditions and social structures often mean women are much more affected by hunger and poverty than men. A mother who is stunted or underweight due to an inadequate diet often give birth to low birthweight children.

Around 50 per cent of pregnant women in developing countries are iron deficient (source: Unicef). Lack of iron means 315,000 women die annually from hemorrhage at childbirth. As a result, women, and in particular expectant and nursing mothers, often need special or increased intake of food.